When you die, your super balance can be paid to a dependent, like your partner or children, or a non-dependent.
Typically, only a dependent has the choice to receive your super as an income stream or a lump sum. Generally, only a lump sum can be paid to non-dependants.
How to secure your super death benefit
The best way to make sure your death benefit goes to the right person is to fill in a binding death benefit nomination inside your super fund. You can nominate your partner, children or your estate.
A binding nomination is different to a non-binding nomination because your super fund must pay your super balance to the person you choose in binding nomination.
Generally, you can make a binding nomination in writing, by completing the appropriate form and sending it to your super fund. These forms are valid for three years.
How are super benefits taxed?
The tax on super payments varies depending on who receives it (e.g. are they a dependent or non-dependent?), how it is paid (e.g. is it a lump sum or income stream?) and your’s and their age (e.g. are you both over 60?).
If you are over 60 with a “taxed fund” and the benefit is paid to a spouse or dependent child, the payment could be tax free.
If you stand to receive another person’s super, you should consult a licensed tax agent to determine if any tax is payable.
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