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Equity Mates Get Started Investing (free course)

Welcome to the Get Started Investing Course with Equity Mates & Rask. The Get Started Investing (GSI) course is hosted by expert investor Owen Rask, and is powered by Alec Renehan & Bryce Leske from Equity Mates. 

The GSI course has been designed by Rask to help you take the first step and is named after the brilliant Get Started Investing book, written by Alec & Bryce. 

The Get Started Investing online course is a lite version of the book. To get the most from your investing journey, we strongly recommend you read the Get Started Investing book once you’re done with the course. 

To get your copy of the book today, click here or the image to buy the book from your favourite bookstore. 


Great course, the order which the information is presented flows very well. Will definitely be recommending to family and friends looking to learn how to invest. ~Daniel A



Our courses include:

Expert instructors

Rask’s courses are often free or come at a super-low price point. 

So why are our courses so cheap (or free)?

It’s pretty simple. 

We dream of a world in which everyone has equal access to free financial education and can invest with optimism for a better tomorrow.

This is just one reason why Rask is different from just about every bank, financial education service, business podcast network, investment research or financial advice business.

We stand for YOU.

But what’s in it for us?

Our mission is to help you live life on your own T&Cs.

Our team didn’t win the birth lottery. We didn’t grow up in fancy houses with lots of money. Nor did we have parents that knew everything about high finance. We had to learn the hard way… and it wasn’t easy.

We dream of a world where everyone has equal access to honest, trustworthy information and courses from anyway, at any time.

The way we make money (or “keep the lights on”) is by asking users to pay a small, one-time fee for some of our courses. 

(Side note: numerous studies of human psychology tell us that this small fee increases your chances of finishing the course.)

It’s also worth knowing that Rask is bigger than just courses, or podcasts.

Outside of Rask Education, we offer memberships and investment research to thousands of Australians. Memberships are our core business that supports the education we provide you here. 

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