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Sort out your Super (the easy way)

Rask’s free Super course teaches you how to find the best Super funds, the easy way to change Super funds, pick insurance & identify the best Super for you.

Did you know: every month an average person spends 7,000% more time watching TV than managing their finances?

According to The Ascent, we spend, on average, just 2 minutes a day making sure our finances are ship-shape!

If you spend your 60 minutes doing anything finance-related this month, please spend the time checking on your Super.

Every Aussie should take this quick course because our Super is often the largest pool of money we have available from all of the hard work we do throughout our life.

Super is a headache, but a simple fix with our course. In 2018, the Government’s Productivity Commission found it will cost (in lost returns) a 21-year-old earning $50k a grand total of $660,000 if they choose an underperforming Super fund. In 10 simple steps the Rask Super course gives you confidence to choose the right Super fund (now), and put your Super on autopilot. Which would you rather: free learning and help on how to pick a good Super fund, or an extra 13 years of work to make up for it? That’s what the $660k difference really means.

The Rask Super course is designed to help you understand:

  • What Super is and how to manage it (with relevant examples)
  • Three 3 things you must do today to make it a success
  • How to change Super funds – easily
  • Read through a PDS to pick the right fund, the first time
  • How to select “investment options” like “growth” or “defensive”
  • How and where to find the information you need (in easy-to-understand language), and
  • What to look for before you change Super funds (we’ve found a way you could do it in just a few clicks!)

That’s a pretty good reason to take this free short course, right?

If that wasn’t good enough, you should know it can take just 60 minutes to complete this course.

Check out the topics areas below, then enrol!


Great course- short, simple and very clear on the exact steps to take. Also, the links provided made everything 1 click away. I completed every action while working through the lessons and I am now clear and confident in 3 actions I need to take (1 I was already contemplating but wasn’t sure of yet, and 2 that are new and easy). I have no doubt that this course has earn me significant gains for my future. Thank you!



Our courses include:

Expert instructors

Rask’s courses are often free or come at a super-low price point. 

So why are our courses so cheap (or free)?

It’s pretty simple. 

We dream of a world in which everyone has equal access to free financial education and can invest with optimism for a better tomorrow.

This is just one reason why Rask is different from just about every bank, financial education service, business podcast network, investment research or financial advice business.

We stand for YOU.

But what’s in it for us?

Our mission is to help you live life on your own T&Cs.

Our team didn’t win the birth lottery. We didn’t grow up in fancy houses with lots of money. Nor did we have parents that knew everything about high finance. We had to learn the hard way… and it wasn’t easy.

We dream of a world where everyone has equal access to honest, trustworthy information and courses from anyway, at any time.

The way we make money (or “keep the lights on”) is by asking users to pay a small, one-time fee for some of our courses. 

(Side note: numerous studies of human psychology tell us that this small fee increases your chances of finishing the course.)

It’s also worth knowing that Rask is bigger than just courses, or podcasts.

Outside of Rask Education, we offer memberships and investment research to thousands of Australians. Memberships are our core business that supports the education we provide you here. 

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