This course is created and written by Owen Raszkiewicz from Rask Australia, with crisp edits from former Rask Analyst, Max Wagner. Videos and accompanying material are produced by the Rask Australia design and editing team, led by the magician Sophie Ymer.
What you will learn:
By completing Rask’s Ethical Investing course, you will be able to:
- Determine what ethical investing is (and isn’t) — so you’re not supporting something you wouldn’t want to be
- Use your money to support good companies and initiatives — whether you have $500 or $5 million
- Know the difference between ethical investing (more positive) and socially responsible (less bad) investing, as well as impact investing
- Invest in shares of companies with high ESG standards (which can lead to better performance)
- Start an investment strategy you can follow rain, hail or climate change
You will discover:
- How to invest ethically in shares, ETFs or managed funds
- Tens of trillions of dollars is already invested in ESG investments
- What it means to invest ethically and support things that align with your personal values, and
- How to analyse ETFs, fund managers and companies from an ESG perspective
Level & prerequisites:
This is a beginner course but we will assume some investing basics. Please feel free to take one of our other share market investing courses, available on the All Courses page.
Ask yourself if you know the basics of…
- What the share market is (a place to sell shares/slices of businesses)
- What Super is and does (an investment account you can’t cash-in until 65+)
- How to buy shares in Australia (via your online brokerage account)
… if you know that stuff, you’re all set for this course — you’ll love learning how to invest ethically.
Course outcomes:
At the end of this course, you will know what to look for before you start trying to invest ethically, how to keep tabs on your investments (to make sure they’re doing the right thing) and how to save money by avoiding marketing gimmicks and tricks for ETFs and managed funds.