Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Course



Beginner friendly

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Expert instructors

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Rask’s Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) course is a jam-packed online course aimed at helping you understand everything you need to know about the FIRE movement in Australia and globally. The FIRE course also details how to invest for early retirement and find your inner ‘why’.

What you’ll learn in the FIRE course…

This online course is designed for passionate and curious singles and couples who want to:

  1. Live a happier, healthier life
  2. Optimistically invest for long-term wealth creation, and
  3. Have a better relationship with money

This easy-to-follow course will introduce you to key ideas such as the different paths to financial independence, lifestyle design, the importance of investing ASAP and ways to increase your income.

Enrol right now and you’ll discover and learn from the following lessons:

  • What exactly is FIRE?
  • Is FIRE right for me? 
  • The best paths to achieve FIRE
  • How to prep for your FIRE journey
  • How to reduce expenses, increase your income — and maintain your happiness
  • How to invest towards FI
  • Building a business while achieving FI
  • How to play the long game
  • Steps to ‘build your ideal life’
  • How to supercharge your learning long into the future

Is this course worth my time?


If you put aside 15 minutes for 30 days, that should be enough time to get through the course. Put another way, it’s your train ride to work, a small part of your lunch hour or even your daily toilet break!

Imagine yourself in 30 days from now: you’ll know everything there is to know about how to start on your path to financial independence.

Pretty good for an online course, right?

Let’s get this fire started!

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Expert instructors

Kate Campbell

Our courses include:

I’d been hearing about “FIRE” but didn’t quite know where to start. This is a great course for anyone looking to take the first steps towards financial independence. Good mix of text, videos, podcasts with links to other resources to take a subject deeper if you like. Thanks Kate and Owen 🙂

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