Franking Credits Calculator & Video Explainer

Got tax-effective franking credits to calculate? You’ve come to the right place!

Try out our free franking credits calculator. You’ll find the calculator below our Franking Credits Explainer video.

For a full run-down on franking credits and dividend investing, read my full blog post, “What Are Franking Credits?

Franking Credits Calculator


Where do I find my dividend franking credits?

The amount of franking credits you may be entitled to can be found in your company’s ASX market announcements.

In particular, the dividends and franking credits will be declared to the ASX in a form called a “Notification of Dividend / Distribution”.

Below, I’ve included an example of the dividend and franking credits information provided to CBA shareholders via an ASX announcement. Take note of the information I’ve highlighted with the blue rectangle.

(click the image or zoom in)

Example Franking Credits Dividend Information – CBA

Where do I find the dividend form?

To find the dividend form, or any other dividend information, check the ASX website, company website or annual report, or log-in to your brokerage account. See my post “10 Australian share broking accounts“.

Once you log into your brokerage account navigate to the page for the company or share you’re searching for, then use the “announcements” or “news” tab to find recent dividend announcements.

What should I do with my franking credits?

Write the amount of your franking credits down on a sheet of paper or record them in a spreadsheet. Take that document to your accountant.

Alternatively, you could use third-party portfolio software to track some or all your franking credits and investments. However, it’s good practice to double-check their figures.

Once you have your franking credits sorted, you should then consider taking one of our free investing courses, like our free valuation course. After interviewing Australia’s best investors, I’ve realised that investing successfully requires us to continually learn new skills and valuation techniques.

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